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HS Travel Japan Company Limited was established in July 2018, we are Tokyo based land operator and act as the branch office of HS Travel International Co., Ltd. HS Travel International Co., Ltd is a Hong Kong based leading travel agent, with offices in Macau, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Russia and the United Kingdom.
We are experienced in handling the land service for M.I.C.E, incentive groups, series groups from Asian countries, also VIP groups and FIT from European countries.
Based on our strong business network, we started our trading business in mid of 2020. Our goal is to act as a bridge between Japan and the world by the exchange of culture and services.
HS Travel Japan is also the sales and marketing representative of Dukling Hong Kong in Japan.
Dukilng, the icon of Hong Kong, was built in 1955 and it is the only original Chinese junk remaining in Hong Kong.
HS Travel Japan Company Limited 株式会社は、香港のダックリン号のセールスアンドマーケティングを日本で担当をしております。
Jan, 2021
Homepage grand opened
HS Travel Japan 株式会社
〒110-0016 東京都台東区台東4-31-1 ALビル410
Tel: 03-5807-3030
Fax: 03-5807-3031
HS Travel Japan Co., Ltd
410 AL Building, 4-31-1 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan 110-0016